samedi 12 juin 2010

Fighting Twenty-Six came into being on 1 September 1964 when the Sundowners of VF-111 (see VF-111) were redesignated VF-26. The redes¬ignation took pl

F-8D 148632 on 9-12-64 in the freshly painted VF-26 markings. (Swisher)

Fighting Twenty-Six came into being on 1 September 1964 when the Sundowners of VF-111 (see VF-111) were redesignated VF-26. The redes¬ignation took place when VF-111 was reassigned to Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2). Unlike the permanent switching of designations that took place between VF-24 and VF-211, the Sundowners redesignation only lasted until 17 September 1964.

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