NADC was originally designated the Naval Air Development Station. Because of continued growth at the station, the Naval Air Development Center, NAS Johnsville, Pennsylvania, was established on 1 August 1949. The Development Center was given the primary mission of providing design and development of air¬craft electronics, aviation armament and pilotless aircraft. To accomplish its mis¬sion, NADC Johnsville flew a mixed bag of fleet aircraft including the Crusader.
NADC flew at least two F-8A Crusaders as shown below. In addition to the fighter variant of the Crusader, NADC Johnsville flew at least four Photo-Eights (see Naval Fighters Number Seventeen, Vought's F-8 Crusader Part Two, Navy and Marine RF-8 Photo-Recon Squadrons). Below, F-8A 145443 stands display duty with a Dou¬glas A-3 Skywarrior in May 1966. Sharkmouth is red with white teeth and black lips. (Besecker) F-8A 144435 in 1965 with the remnants of the base insignia on the tail. (R. Esposito via Clay Jansson)
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