VC-3 was established on 2 May 1949, from Detachment One, Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Pacific (FAWTUPAC). The squadron transferred from NAS North Island to NAS Moffett Field, California, in October 1949. At Moffett the squadron flew Grumman F6F-5Ns, TBM-3E/3Ns, an AD-20 and an SNB-5.
VC-3 was tasked with the mission of providing nightfighter and attack detach-ments to the Pacific Fleet. To this end the squadron received F4U-5Ns and F8F-1Ns, On 30 November 1950 the F3D "Skyknight" brought the squadron into the jet age. The F3D5 would soon be followed by F2H-2D and F2H-3 "Banshees". 1954 saw the F7U "Cut¬lass", FJ-3 "Fury" and the F9F-6 "Cougar' added to VC-3's inventory. In April 1956 the F4D-1 "Skyray" arrived and VC-3 was rede¬signated VF(AW)-3 on 1 July 1956. Three other new aircraft were operated by VF(AW)-3 prior to its disestablishment on 2 May 1958: the F3H-2N "Demon", F8U-1 (F-8A) "Crusader" and A4D-1 "Skyhawk".
Since August 1954 the squa¬dron had also operated as a tran¬sitional training unit for high performance aircraft. Six officers and 30 enlisted men would partici-pate in the Fleet Indoctrination Program (FIP). Upon completion of the 600 flight hour program, the team returned to Moffett to train a core unit of squadron pilots, usu¬ally the CO or X0, ops officer, and maintenance officer, who in turn trained the transitioning squadron.
stripe was dark blue and rudder atypically painted gull grey instead of white.

142415 and 142409 on 5-18-57, note open rocket tray as seen on early F8U-1s. (Larkins)

F8U-1 143681 approaches NAB Moffett Field, the first Crusader College. Tall
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