VU-1 was originally commis¬sioned as VJ-1 on 5 October 1925 at NAS San Diego. The squadron fulfilled the missions of aerial photog¬raphy, simulated attacks, target lowing and aerial and anti-aircraft gunnery training. The squadron also participated in the Alaskan Aerial Sur-veys 01 1926 and 1934.
In September 1939, a VJ-1 de¬tachment moved to Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. By June 1940 Ford

Island was home for the entire squad¬ron. After the Pearl Harbor attack on 7 December 1941 VJ-1 provided utility services throughout the Pacific.
On 31 July 1944 the squadron moved to NAS Moffett Field, Califor¬nia, where it was redesignated Utility Squadron One (VU-1) on 15 Novem¬ber 1946. Then on 30 April 1949 VU-1 was decommissioned.
VU-1 was re-established at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, on 20 July 1951 where the squadron provided fleet utility services until redesignated Fleet Composite Squadron One (VC-1) on 1 July 1965.
VU-1 F8U-1 145383 at NAS Point Mugu on 10-21-62. Wide tail stripe and wing tip stripe were red_ (Swisher)

Five F-8As and three DF-8As from VU-1 fly over the Pacific in 1964, note red tail and wing tips and location of the wing codes. (Stan Wyckoff)

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