VF-931 was stationed at NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. The squadrons shared North American AF-1 E Furys un¬til they were replaced with Vought F-8B Crusaders in 1964. F-8As were added at a later date and the squadron was rede¬signated VF-33W2 on 7-1-68. Four months later VF-33W2's designation was changed to VF-34W2 on 11-1-68. The squadron received the prestigious CNO safety award for 1969, the year in which the F-8L was acquired. VF-34W2 was decommissioned on 11-1-70.

The flight line at NAS Willow Grove in 1965. F-8B 145515 is in the foreground, followed by 145486 (#34), 145453 (#27), 145475 (#22) and nine other F-BBs. Shield on the tail was red bordered by black with a white and black liberty bell. (R. Esposito via Janssen) F-8L 145444 landing at WAS Willow Grove. (unknown) F-8L 145514 at Andrews AFB in August 1970. (D. Kasulka via Clay Janssen)

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