VF-13 was commissioned in September 1948 by taking personnel and aircraft from two other squadrons in Carrier Air Group One. These two squadrons were VF-11 and VF-12 whose insignias were incorporated into VF-13's insignia.
Based at NAS Cecil Field, Florida, VF-13 began transitioning from F9F-8 Cougars to F4D-1 Skyrays in January and Feburary 1959. The Skyrays were flown until September 1962, when the venerable Ford was replaced by the F3H Demon. The Demons took part in the blockade of Cuba and were replaced by the F-8E Crusader on 2 July 1964. Fighting Thirteen had been the last operational Demon squadron in AIRLANT.
Early October saw VF-13 and their new F-8E Crusaders, in Key West, Florida, standing alert duty and preparing for a two week Caribbean cruise aboard the USS Shangri-La (CVA-38) in November. After returning to Cecil, Fighting Thirteen embarked on a rigorous weapons training program and increased night flying in preparation for the spring and summer Mediterranean cruise. In January, the squadron was aboard the Shang for a carrier refresher period with Air Wing Ten.

On 10 February 1965 VF-13 deployed aboard CVA-38 for its first Mediterranean cruise. Stopping in the Caribbean on 15 February for a combined Shangri-La-Air Wing Ten ORI, they sailed for the MED on 1 April. On 14 June eight of the squadron's F-8E Crusaders participated in the Paris International Air Show at Le Bourget Field. VF-13's first cruise ended on 20 September 1965.
After returning from the MED the Shang departed for a yard period. When the Shang returned, VF-13 as part of Air Wing Eight embarked for a six week cruise to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on 20 June 1966. The squadron's pilots practiced refresher carrier landings while staging from NAS Leeward Point.

Upon return to Cecil on 29 July 1966, Fighting Thirteen began a rapid transition to F-8D aircraft. This evolution was completed in time to embark in the Shangri-La on 29 August 1966 for a two week operating period off the Florida coast. Returning on 12 September, the squadron busied itself with last minute preparations for the squadron's second MED cruise which began on 29 September 1966.
The Atlantic transit was utilized by the squadron to increase readiness through training. Upon arrival off Rota, Spain, air operations began. On 12 October 1966 the Shang relieved the USS Saratoga (CVA-60). Four days later an accident on the flight deck precluded further air operations. CVA-38 required repairs that took two weeks to complete at Naples, Italy. During November the ship visited Valletta, Malta and Istanbul, Turkey. December 1966 operations were curtailed somewhat by weather and the long period spent in Athens, Greece for Christmas. During December the men of VF-13 were among those who searched in vain for survivors of the Greek ferry boat Heraklion. VF-13 returned home on 20 May 1967.

From that time until the squadron
once again left for the MED it was transitioning from the F-80 to the F-8C model. A total of seven F-8Cs were modified with a "hard point" wing, enabling the aircraft to carry conventional stores.
On 15 July 1967 a detachment left for NAS Key West and Combat Air Patrol for a period of two months. Then on 4 August, the squadron moved aboard the Shang for approximately one month of intensive training off the coast of Cuba. Another two week refresher cruise took place on 25 September, during which Air Wing Eight hosted the American Ordnance Association for a fire power demonstration. VF-13 tired Zuni rockets, Sidewinder Missiles and 20 millimeter cannon.

USS SHANGRI-LA Is red. "LT LARRY DURBIN" is painted below the canopy rail. (Clay Jansson)

From 15 November 1967 to I January 1968, the squadron was deployed with CVA-38, in-chopping into the Sixth Fleet on 22 November. From 6-10 December, the squadron participated in PHLIBEX 10-67, in coordination with the Marine Amphibious Landing Force, providing close air support. Since that time, normal at-sea operations were conducted, with port-of-calls being made at Valletta, Malta and Naples, Italy.
One last MED cruise was conducted from 1 January until 1 July 1969 by VF-13 in F-BHs. VF-13 was disestablished on 1 October 1969.

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