VF-211 F8U-1 (F-8A) 143683 in August 1957 at NAS Miramar. The Checkertails lived up to their name by having a red and white checkerboard painted on the tail. A long red fuselage flash in the shape of a giant checkmark was also applied. This early F8U-1 has not been refitted with refueling equipment. (Clay Jansson) VF-211 was commissioned at NAS Moffett Field, California, in June 1955. The squadron's first aircraft was the North American FJ-3 Fury. As part of CVG-21, the Checkertails deployed aboard the USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) in August 1956.
Once home from its WESTPAC cruise in the spring of 1957, the squadron transitioned to the new su¬personic Crusader. On 16 August 1958 the squadron deployed aboard the recommissioned USS Midway as a component of CVG-2. The cruise, which ended on 8 March 1959, was a WESTPAC deployment to the Philip¬pines, Hong Kong, Okinawa, and Japan.
During the cruise, VF-211 performed for Chiang Kai Shek, and for Secretary of Defense McElroy.
On 9 March 1959, VF-211 was redesignated VF-24 (see VF-24) and VF-24 was redesignated VF-211 (see VF-211 Checkmates).
VF-211 F8U-1 (F-BA) 143714 at NAB Miramar in August 1957. This aircraft was equipped with refueling gear as can be dis¬tinguished by the bulge that starts behind the cockpit and extends through the national insignia. The landing gear on these early F8U-ls were natural metal. Aircraft were wearing CVG-21's "NP" tall code. (Clay Jansson)
Checkertail 102 and 110, 143683 and 143726 respectively in tight formation over Moffett Field in 1957. (NASM)
VF-211 F8U-1143730 on final in early 1958. (Vought)
143708 at NAS Mir¬amar on 8-10-57. (William T. Larkins)
Checker 102 (144454) with revised tail mark¬ings and CVG-2's "NE" tail code as used during the USS Midway 1958-59 deployment. (USN)
Like VF-154, VF-211 experienced the same gear and hook failure problems as evidenced by Checker 104's failed nose gear on the Midway. (USN)
Checkertail F8U-1s 144461 (#105), 143800 (#108), 144451 (#112), and 143794 (#104) fly at 18,000 feet over Mount Fujiyama, Japan. (USN)
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