VF-662 transitioned from F6F-5 Hellcats to F8F-1 Bearcats in October 1950 and to F4U Corsairs in January 1954. The squadron was redesignated VA-662 in 1955 when AD-5 and AD-4 Skyraiders replaced the Corsairs. The FJ-4B was acquired in July 1962 and the squadron was redesignated VF-662 in January 1965 when the F-8B Crusader was acquired. The F-8A arrived in March 1967 and the squadron was merged with VF-661 in December 1967. When VF-661 was called to active duty on 27 January 1968, VF-662 re-emerged as VF-11A1 and operated Crusaders until being bro¬ken up to form VFP-206 and VFP-306 in June 1970.

Generic F-8s with both MARINES and NAVY painted on the rear fuselage were used by the Andrews-based VF-661, VF-662, and VMF-321 as seen here. F-8B 145421 with gold cross on the flat black fin tip and a black and red rudder stripe as well as a black cactus and three hash marks, date and place unknown. (via Burger) F-8B 145454 with black gun troughs at NAF Wash¬ington in 1965. (Esposito via Jansson) F-8A 143764 at NAF Washington (An¬drews AFB) on 6-2-67. (Jansson) F-8A 143698 with wing raised and folded, date and place unknown. (Dave Ostrowski)

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