VC-4 F-8C 146983 on 5-31-67, minus the squadron's colorful red tail markings. F-BC 146933 an 5-24-67 with a tow cable fuselage pylon and the red tail. Fin tip was black with a gold cross. (Jansson)

VC-4 DETACHMENT CECIL F-8C on 5-25-67 with red tail and flat black fin cap and white aircraft numbers. (Jansson)
Fleet Composite Squadron Four was commissioned when VU-4 was redesignated VC-4 on 1 July 1965. In November 1966, the squadron began Replacement Pilot Training in the F-8. Pilots were received from the F-8 CRAW, VF-124 with minimum time in type and VC-4 had the responsibility to complete a flight syllabus which would enable newly assigned pilots to contribute to the squadron's mission. Twelve replacement pilots were thus trained during 1967.
On 22 March 1967 F-80 145588 piloted by LT Karl B. Wagner, experi¬enced an engine explosion and flameout while on a routine service mission. The pilot determined the air¬craft was on fire and ejected, parachuting safely to the ground near Murfreeboro, North Carolina. In June 1968, an F-8B was transferred out to LTV, Dallas, as the prototype F-8L.

VC-4 F-8C 145592 on 5-23-67, white circle on tail is bordered by black and area above missile rail is black. (Swisher)
During 1968 VC-4 participated in Operation Springboard from 26 Janu¬ary until 25 March and in Operation Racer Run from 21 June until 26 June and finally in the Operational Readi¬ness Inspection of the USS Shangri-La (CVA-38) from 10 December until 20 December.
In the spring of 1969 VC-4 started transitioning its F-8Bs to F-8Ks. The squadron's F-8s were utilized in Op¬eration Springboard that year. In 1969 the squadron supported the fleet by providing DETS to NAS Roosevelt Roads, MCAS Beaufort, NAB New Orleans, Homestead AFB, NAS Key West, and Patrick AFB.

VC-4 F-8K 146941 at NAS Oceana on 6-20-70 with new red tail markings, and the black "JF" tail code shadowed in white. (Stephen H. Miller via Dave Menard)
1970 saw VC-4 F-8K DETS going to NAS New Orleans once and NAS Key West seven times. However, by the end of the year the Crusaders were all but phased out with only one F-8K remaining (146910). On 30 April 1971 VC-4 was disestablished.

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