F-8C 146918 from VC-2 at HAS Oceana on 5-31-67; note the red lightning bait on the ventral fin. (Swisher)

Six VC-2 F-8K Crusaders from NAS Oceana flying over Virginia Beach in April 1970. (USN)
VC-2 F-8C 145558 at WAS Willow Grove in September 1966; note black #2 outlined in white on the upper blue tail. (Jansson)

Stationed at NAS Oceana with a permanent detachment at NAS Quon¬set Point, Fleet Composite Squadron Two was established on 1 July 1965 when Utility Squadron Two was rede¬signated. VC-2 was initially equipped with eleven F-8C and four US-2C air¬ craft. The Blue Tails flew the "Cru¬sader until 1971 when they were completely replaced by "Skyhawks".

VC-2 provided jet and propeller services to the Atlantic Fleet along the East coast and conducted combat readiness training for the development of experience and proficiency of as¬signed F-8 pilots.

F-8A 141351 on 5-31-67; tail is dark blue and fin cap is flat black with a gold cross. (Jansson) F-8K 145575 in August 1970. (D. Kasulka via Jansson)

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