UTRON TEN F8U-1 143756 in flight over Leeward Point Field, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on 2-6-62. The fence line passing under the aircraft is the Cuban fence. The U.S. fence ( not shown ) is well within the Cuban boundaries and only three-fourths of a mile from the touch¬down point on Lee ward’s 8,000 foot runway. Pilots were expected to turn within the U.S. fence-line on approach. (USN) Fleet Utility Squadron Ten was originally commissioned as VJ-16 on 1 December 1943. Over the years the squadron has supplied service aircraft for Fleet training in the Caribbean ar¬ea. Stationed at NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the squadron was redes¬ignated VU-10 on 15 November 1946. The F8U-1 (F-8A) Crusader was ac¬quired in January 1962. UTRON TEN was redesignated Fleet Composite Squadron Ten (VC-10) on 1 July 1965.
VU-10 F-8A 143819 at Litchfield Park, Arizona, on 3-18-63. Crusader shield and upper fin stripe were red bordered by blue with gold crosses. (Doug Olson via Clay Jansson )
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