On 22 January 1968, the US In¬telligence Collection Ship, USS Pueblo, was siezed by North Korean patrol boats causing what is known today as the Pueblo Crisis. The presi¬dent's response to this crisis was to activate six Naval Air Reserve Squad¬rons and VF-661 was one of them. The squadrons were called to active duty on 26 January and on 27 Janu¬ary the commanding officer, CDR Lemuel 0. Warfield, was welcoming his assembled squadron aboard. The squadron transferred to NAS Cecil Field, Florida, where they were as¬signed to CVW-8 with their "AJ" tail code.
During the second week in August the squadron's F-8Bs were replaced by factory-fresh F-8I-Is. The squadron was upgraded in preparation for a de¬ployment aboard the USS Shangri-La (CVA-38) in which the squadron was to have replaced VF-13 for a Med cruise. Instead VF-661 was released from active duty on 19 September 1968 and decommissioned on 11 October.

and VMF-321. Note aircraft has been used for gunnery as evidenced by the blackened cannon ports. (William Swisher) F-8A
143809 at Andrews AFB on 6-2-67, with aircraft #10 above the rudder and with a flat black fin tip. (Clay Jansson)

F-8A 145408 of VF-661 after activation. The CVW-8 AJ tail
code has replaced the former 6A tail code. (Ostrowski via DM)
code has replaced the former 6A tail code. (Ostrowski via DM)

with F-8H 1 47047 in the background. (USN via CAPT Warfield)

hotos of VF-661 F-81-Is with full markings consisting of red ventral fin flashes bordered by black and black tail stripes with a white AJ tail code on a red field. F-8Hs 147049 (#1,00), 147047 (#101), 148657 (#102), and 148677 (#110). (USN via CAPT "BUT' Warfield)

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