VC-5 would operate almost all variants of the Crusader until its phase out in 1970. These included the F-8A, F-88, F-8C, F-8D, DF-8F, and F-8K.
Fleet Composite Squadron Five (VC-5) was commissioned on 1 July 1965 when UTRON FIVE (VU-5) was redesignated. VC-5 is based ashore at NAS Atsugi, Japan. Two permanent detachments, Detachment NAHA (DET ALPHA) and Detachment CUBI PT (DET BRAVO), are based ashore at Naha AFB, Okinawa, and NAS Cubi Point, Luzon, Philippines, respectively. The squadron's mission is to provide air services for fleet training tasks. The following tasks are assigned:
Close-up of VC-5 red-orange and yellow checkerboard tall pattern. (via Menard)

VC-5 F-88 145478 at Naha AFB sporting the squadron's checkertail. (Miller/ Menard)

COs F-8C on 5-21-67 with TDU-22 target and yellow fuselage stripe while at NAS Atsugl .(T. Matsuzaki)

VC-5 DF-8F at NAS Atsugion 5-18-69 in the colorful drone director markings. Fuselage was engine grey &
the vertical tail was redorange. The horizontal tail was yellow and the wing was yellow with a red-orange
stripe. (Matsuzaki)
1.) To provide towed targets and target drones for surface-to-air or air-to-air gunnery and rocket or guided missile firing.
2.) To provide still photography, motion pictures and aerial photographic services as required by the fleet.
3.) To provide targets for CIC and ECM exercises and radar calibration.
4.) To perform such other utility services for the forces afloat, within the capabilities of the aircraft assigned, which will aid in the advancement in the training of these forces.
5.) To perform administrative and logistic flights within the capabilities of the aircraft assigned.
6.) To maintain pilot combat readiness training within the capabilities of the aircraft assigned.
During 1966 the following aircraft were assigned: VC-5 Atsugi, 14 F-8C, 4 US-2C,1 RC-45J; VC-5 DET NAHA, 4 DF-8F, 2 DP-2E, 3 US-2C, 2
UH-34E; VC-5 DET CUBI PT, 5 A-4B, 4 US-2C, 1 RC-45J.

VC-5 DF-8F attached to DET NAHA. Note tail is missing the squadron's UE tail code; tail is redorange. (Besecker via Lionel Paul)
The TDU-22 series target replaced the DELMAR targets and was used for SAM and AAM firings as well as ships gunnery exercises during 1966. In April and March 1966, VMF(AW)-323 deployed to Naha to conduct what was up to that time the largest scale air-to-air missile exercise ever against this target. A total of 38 missiles were fired. In December 1966 the USS Enterprise successfully fired a deck mounted Sparrow Ill against a towed TDU-22B.
During the period 2 July through 14 July 1966, VC-5 transferred its entire inventory of eleven F-8D aircraft to VF-24 in return for fourteen older and worn F-8Cs from Fighting Two Four.

VC-5 DF-8F at Danang in September 1970. Colors are that of a drone director aircraft as describe ed above. A
checkerboard tail has been added to this colorful paint scheme, the air intake is white.(Barry Miller)

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